Rock Static

a Rockateria for Triadidians, Cackalackians, and all the kids beyond

Monday, February 27, 2006

Second Story Man

Second Story Man are a great band from Lousiville, KY--one of my favorite Louisville bands (second only to CRAIN, but most things are second to CRAIN, even CRAIN). They formed in 1998 or so and are releasing an excellent new EP called Red Glows Brighter. I have heard a few songs on "internet" and heard a few songs "live at a show" and have to say, "Oh, Crap! That's Good!"

SSM are refreshing becuase they are a) excellent musicians who know how to play but don't care much for showing off--in this respect they are perhaps similar to the Band--they're just tight, the arrangements are complex without being intrusive, and they don't make mistakes; b) their four-part, boy/girl vocal harmonies are the jam; and c) they are one of the few bands that can play simple, catch, relaxing pop music without sounding boring. Overall, a very exciting band.

Check out their songs on their Myspace or their website and if you are in KY, buy thier new EP or go to a show.